Monday, May 5, 2008

never ending war

Oh how I agree with Jennasa18 on Politics about the democratic race between Clinton and Obama. All of this name calling and finger pointing needs to stop. All they are doing is tearing the party apart. It’s going to be another classic example of the Democratic Party crumbling in the end. When will they finally understand that they need to work together against the greater cause….getting the Democratic Party back into office. The last thing we need is another Bush administration. I totally agree that this slander in the Democratic Party is making the Republican party look like angels. All they pretty much have to do is sit back and watch the Democratic Party kill itself. Something needs to change.. Someone needs to budge. We cannot allow pettiness to overcome the major victory of office.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Big Brother is Watching

So has anyone heard about the USA Patriot Act? Well if you haven’t, let me enlighten you. First it is a law that was passed almost unanimously in the Senate and overwhelmingly in the House. It was signed into law October 26th 2001. The Act pretty much lets The Department of Homeland Security have the authority to do whatever it needs to make sure terrorist “actions” are not being made. They want to maintain National Security. The common “backronym” is Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act.

So how does that effect us? Well the thing that most surprised and concerned me was that The Department of Homeland Security has the authority to monitor sudent and proffesor library borrowing records, internet records, e-mails, international travel, and phone calls. That way the can see if any suspicious play is going on. Now this upset me a little when I heard about this. What exactly do they think is “suspicious” or a “potential lead”? That makes me worry because now you might be met by federal agents at your house for checking out a book on communism, terrorism, or Al Qaeda. What if you are doing a report on one of those for a research paper? Should we worry that we might be suspects or on some type of watch list? When should the line be drawn?

I personally think that this is way out of boundries for the government to be stepping into our personal lives. Why should we have to tiptoe around certain topics to make sure we please some man in a suit? Whats next, are we going to have to get an approval for what we talk about on the phone, or in public? When did the govenrment obtain the power to override our freedom of expression and speech? Doesn’t that violate our consitutional rights? I think that this is interfearing way too much with our privacy. It makes you wonder who and when someone is actually watching us in our every action..

Monday, April 7, 2008

Team Work

I defiantly agree with Jennasa18 that Obama and Clinton should work together. It should not be all or nothing; it should be about the greater good. Shouldn’t they be happy that possibly one Democrat could win the race? I believe that I could be done.. but someone is going to have to swallow some pride (I personally think Clinton should ride shotgun). They wouldn’t even have to fight over the important issues. They stand for pretty much the same issues; it’s just the fine tuning they would have to agree upon. Coming together would defiantly be a strong and positive influence for the public. Maybe some good could actually come out of politics. Now if we could just get Clinton and Obama to agree to Jennasa18’s thoughts it would be phenomenal! But in all reality I do not think that either one of then would be the better person and do it for a hoping society.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

When HE is president of the United States

There is no doubt in my mind that Barack Obama should be president of the United States. Obama has already shown how connected he can be to the common folk, and encourage all to come out and voice their opinion. He has reached out to the younger generation, and in mass majorities; he speaks for and on behalf of us. Since Obama comes from a single, middleclass family, he actually knows and understands the issues that are significantly bothersome to the everyday people.

His issues do not favor the wealthy, but they accommodate for all; everything from health care to Iraq. He has a plan that will provide an affordable healthcare for all and makes sure to help out all in the process. He also proposes to help out families with children by cutting income taxes by $1000 for the working families to offset the payroll tax they pay. Also, he will double the funding for after school programs and provide low income families with a refundable tax credit to help with child care expenses.

The most controversial debate between the parties is the issue over the war. It is time for the troop to come home and Obama is leading the pack. He has a plan to immediately bring the troops back and have them all home within sixteen months.

“I’m asking you to believe. Not just in my ability to bring real change in Washington… I’m asking you to believe in yours.” It is defiantly time for a change. Obama can make the change and make Washington once again for the people. It is good to know that someone finally understands us and wants to help us and make a difference.

Monday, March 3, 2008

McCain’s record includes ’some inconsistencies’

Blogger Steve Banen strikes out in Crooks and Liars about Senator John McCain being a “flip-flopper”. This pundit writer talks about how McCain is having some inconsistent statements on what he has said in past speeches. He has changed his positions on things such as The Law of Sea Convention, The Dream Act, and the long term presence of troops in Iraq. Banen goes on to say how McCain’s campaign has stated that he is not Flip-flopping, but rather his position has “evolved”. Banen says that this should be a serious problem that the republicans should take up. He thinks that McCain changing his mind is ridiculous, especially because McCain made a huge point about not changing positions.
Banen specializes in blogging for the Carpetbagger Report. Banen has a biased opinion on the McCain subject because he is a Democrat. He is not a professional journalist; rather he makes a living off stating an opinion. Now in this case, I agree with Banen because McCain should not be going back on positions that he has already claimed. But I also think that McCain has been in the public eye for many years and certain issues will change in time, or rather evolve. But the examples that Banen brings up are current issues, like the troops in Iraq, which he bases his presidential campaign around. What is the public eye to think if he is wishy washy on all his major positions? I think that McCain needs to think about what he really thinks and then speak, not just say what his GOP says and thinks.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Obama Foes: Mad As Hell and They're Not Going to Take It Anymore

Member Steve Young of The Smirking Chimp is making a bold statement concerning the frenzy of Barack Obama borrowing lines from other people. Steve Young was a candidate in 2006 for California's 48th congressional district in the U. S. House of Representatives as the Democratic candidate. Based off that you can probably guess he's in support of the Democratic nominees, particually Obama. This is a biased opinion on the subject because he will back his fellow Democrats no matter what. Yet, he still shows a valid point. Young wonders why all of a sudden there is a big ordeal about Obama using lines from someone else when others around him are just as liable for plagiarism. He says “we may change a word of two, but since when is recycling bad. It’s not stealing. It’s protecting the environment.” He continues on with many examples on how other famous icons have used someone else’s words in the past. For example; "They're heeeeeeeeere." Hillary Clinton said when introducing her Superdelegates. Or "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse." McCain said when suggesting a cabinet post to Romney if he drops out.
He is basically saying plagiarism is OK and it should be embraced. Young says that the whole ordeal with Obama in the press about this issue is ridiculous. He proves a point on how it is not fair that Obama is pointed out when no one else is, when they do the same thing. Granted, they don’t do it as much as Obama, but they do it. “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”, Young comically quoted from someone else.
I don’t think plagiarism should be embraced, but pointing fingers shouldn’t either. Young kind of goes on a tangent through out the story, but his basic opinion is a solid one; everyone does it. I agree with him that everyone does it and Obama should not be singled out, but I also think that when in a presidential election, maybe you should have your own thoughts every now and then.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

No rest for Clinton, Obama; 7 more contests fast approach

Hi everybody. So I picked an article from CNN about the democratic race between Senator Clinton and Senator Obama. Super Tuesday showed a split decision for the democrats with Clinton barely pulling out a few more delegates than Obama. Tuesday gave Clinton 582 of her total 823 delegates, and Obama 562 of his total 731 delegate votes. They will need to reach 2025 delegates to win the party nomination. The biggest win of Tuesday was California, which Clinton won, but Obama still received 441 democratic delegates. Clinton also won New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts; and primaries in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Arizona and American Samoa. On the other hand, Obama won Alabama and Georgia with major support from the African American community, as well as Colorado, Idaho, Minnesota, North Dakota and Kansas. He won primaries in Alaska, Utah, Delaware, Connecticut and Illinois. In all of the mist, the remaining democrats have rose over $100 million, and together spent $21 million on television advertising in the past two weeks.

Still to come are the Washington and Nebraska caucuses on Saturday, and the Maine caucuses on Sunday. And the following Tuesday is the Virginia, Maryland, and District of Columbia presidential primaries

I picked this because everybody was so sure that Obama was going to pull way ahead with Super Tuesday, yet it was the Opposite. Clinton showed that she is here and going strong

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