Monday, March 3, 2008

McCain’s record includes ’some inconsistencies’

Blogger Steve Banen strikes out in Crooks and Liars about Senator John McCain being a “flip-flopper”. This pundit writer talks about how McCain is having some inconsistent statements on what he has said in past speeches. He has changed his positions on things such as The Law of Sea Convention, The Dream Act, and the long term presence of troops in Iraq. Banen goes on to say how McCain’s campaign has stated that he is not Flip-flopping, but rather his position has “evolved”. Banen says that this should be a serious problem that the republicans should take up. He thinks that McCain changing his mind is ridiculous, especially because McCain made a huge point about not changing positions.
Banen specializes in blogging for the Carpetbagger Report. Banen has a biased opinion on the McCain subject because he is a Democrat. He is not a professional journalist; rather he makes a living off stating an opinion. Now in this case, I agree with Banen because McCain should not be going back on positions that he has already claimed. But I also think that McCain has been in the public eye for many years and certain issues will change in time, or rather evolve. But the examples that Banen brings up are current issues, like the troops in Iraq, which he bases his presidential campaign around. What is the public eye to think if he is wishy washy on all his major positions? I think that McCain needs to think about what he really thinks and then speak, not just say what his GOP says and thinks.

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